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Stress & Wellbeing

We all know that some stress can be good for us; it keeps is sharp, a "fight or flight" response caused by adrenaline can help us react more quickly in dangerous situations, but exposure to long term stress can be harmful both physical and emotionally.  Too much stress can: weaken the immune system, making us more likely to succumb to colds and flu; cause high blood pressure; fatigue; depression; anxiety; and even heart disease. In particular, too much epinephrine can be harmful to your heart. All this combined makes Stress a big concern for business.


When people feel stressed, they often find it hard to sleep or eat well, and poor diet and lack of sleep can both affect physical and emotional health. This in turn can make us less productive at work and sometimes lead to absence.


According to the Health and Safety Executive, stress, depression or anxiety disorders accounted for 16.4 million days lost due to work-related ill health in 2023/24.


While not all stress is caused by work, you still have a responsibility to do everything you reasonably can to support your employees.  Knowing how to reduce and manage stress is essential for your business.  We can help.

We offer a range of support initiatives.  We can help you develop Policies and Procedures for reducing and managing stress; help you develop strategies for supporting staff when they are experiencing too much stress; we can also train your managers to manage work related stress and support staff better.  


Having a clear commitment to reduce stressors and manage stress and a developing a positive culture around wellbeing, helps to build a happier, healthier, more productive workforce, leading to reduced absence, turnover and employment tribunals.


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