Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated £34.9 billion each year - the equivalent of £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce. Broken down, that's £10.6 billion in sickness absence, £21.2 billion in reduced productivity, and £3.1 billion in replacing staff who leave their jobs for mental health-related reasons.
Simple steps to improve the management of mental health in the workplace will allow employers to save 30% or more of these costs – at least £10 billion a year. This is where we can help.

We can train your employees as Mental Health First Aiders and also help you set up Mental Health First Aid in your business, organisation or group. Courses are currently provided online, and we will resume face to face courses when appropriate.
MHFA does not teach people to be therapists but we do teach people to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis - and even potentially stop a crisis from happening.
The full MHFA England course qualifies you as a Mental Health First Aider. Mental Health First Aiders have:
An in depth understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect wellbeing
Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
Confidence to step in, reassure and support a person in distress
Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening
Knowledge to help someone recover their health by guiding them to further support - whether that’s self-help resources, through their employer, the NHS, or a mix
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn.
Through a mix of group activities, presentations and discussions, each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan.
Everyone who completes the course gets an MHFA manual to keep and refer to whenever they need it, and a certificate to say they are a Mental Health First Aider.
We deliver in-house courses for your Company or Organisation; we can even help you recruit the right people to the role and develop a support and developmental pathway for your MHFAs and Peer Supporters.
We deliver both the Adult course - for those aged 16+ who wish to be able to support others in the workplace or community; and also the MHFA Youth Course, for those 16+ who live and/or work with young people.
MHFA England is the national licensed organisation for MHFA training. You can read more by visiting their website: